Heribert Friedl’s ephemeral works consistently reduce visibility in favor of an emphasis on perceptibility. His exhibition “When I pulled my finger out of the feathered bottom, it smelled delightfully like fresh clay.” references the Künstlerhaus as the exhibition venue; but with sound and scent as resource and medium of his art, Friedl succeeds in easily overcoming the limitations of the senses, as well as the institutional limitations. Designed as a poster in the style of scientific classification charts, Fanzine #10 presents the instruments played by Friedl for his audio work “speakers”, which is installed outside the Künstlerhaus. A reference to “1952”, a work to be smelled in the staircase inside the building, is given on the backside of the publication.
De / En
Poster, printed on both sides, black and white, German/English
Edited by Sandro Droschl with a text by Jürgen Dehm, 2017
Concept and graphic design by Nik Thoenen and Maia Gusberti
Fanzine #10