Itzo Easy is the new wound on the firmament on the Austrian pop music loo: For the closing of the exhibition “Deuscthland#ASNCHLUSS#Östereich“ by Jan Böhmermann, the southeast-Austrian one-man-band presents a musical soliloquy of German and Austrian pop music. Itzo Easy’s musical field stretches from “discofolk” to “Austro-trash”, from “drumandblues” to “R.I.P.Hop.” As a warm up for the concert, DJJJogi (Schwarzwald) will play discursive German pop, in the epilog DJ Özzi (Altwald) will reply with well-hung Austro-pop. The Künstlerhaus invites you to a cheerful night outdoors under the motto: “It farts the Austro-Ass!”
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Admission is free, no registration required.
06 19 2019 7 p.m.
Austropop(sch) Wuchteldrucken
Itzo Easy, Concert, Closing
DJJJogi vs. DJ Özzi

Itzo Easy, photo: private