Halle für
Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria
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03 16 2017  6 p.m.

Curator's guided tour

Michał Jachuła
Michał Jachuła
photo: Marta Kowalewska

Michał Jachuła’s tour leads through the exhibition “Der Keller” of the Polish artist Monika Zawadzki. Having followed her work for many years, Jachuła provides insight into Zawadzki’s artistic practice around the most central themes in her work such as the rejection of anthropocentrism, ideas of a post-human society as well as her research on relationships between animate and inanimate matter. Discussing single works presented in the exhibition Jachuła talks about the artist’s approach to questions of identity, rules and orders governing different entities and subjects.

Michał Jachuła holds an MA in History of Art from University of Warsaw and an MA in Contemporary Art from Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College, New York. Previously, he curated exhibitions with Elka Krajewska, Józef Robakowski (co-curated with Tobi Maier, traveled to Ludlow 38, New York and ZKM, Karlsruhe) both at the Arsenal Gallery in Bialystok and with Anna Ostoya, Jabberwocky, Bohdan Mrázek and Jiří Skála at the Foksal Gallery; "The Splendor of Textiles" at Zachęta National Gallery of Art in Warsaw, and Joanna Malinowska & C.T. Jasper, “Relations Disrelations” at Muzeum Sztuki in Lodz. Currently he works as curator at the Le Guern Gallery in Warsaw.

Halle für Kunst & Medien

Burgring 2
8010 Graz, Austria